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Computer Science

Align Master’s Degree in Computer Science

Get Ready For a Career in Computer Science

The Align Master’s Program consists of two semesters of academic bridge courses to prepare you for the master’s coursework—and a career in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, software development, game development, and more. The master’s curriculum combines core coursework in program design, computer systems, and software development, plus electives in machine learning, databases, distributed systems, networks and security, and software engineering that allow you to tailor a degree to your interests. Our cohort-based learning model provides a supportive community for students throughout the program.

Overview Program Requirements

Align MSCS Curriculum

Align bridge courses

  • Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • Discrete Structures
  • Computer Systems/Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Design/Java Programming

Master’s core courses

  • Algorithms
  • Computer Systems
  • Managing Software Development

Sample electives

  • Database Management
  • Information Retrieval
  • Machine Learning
  • Parallel Processing in MapReduce
  • Distributed Systems
  • Mobile Application Development

Any course that appears in a concentration may count as an elective. Other courses offered at the graduate level at Northeastern University may be taken as electives provided written permission is given by your faculty advisor and approval is obtained from the Graduate Committee.

Apply Scholarships & Aid

Learning Outcomes

  • Exhibit proficiency in the design, implementation and testing of software
  • Demonstrate skills and experience working in small teams
  • Apply algorithmic and theoretical computer-science principles to solve computing problems from a variety of application areas
  • Demonstrate the ability to learn and develop competencies in specialized or emerging computer science fields

When I started the program, I couldn’t write a line of code. I’d never heard of Python, seen Java, or even opened a terminal on my laptop. Align allowed me to bridge that gap in knowledge—to learn and grow at my pace—and come out with a Master’s in Computer Science.

Andrew Dickens
BA Business, MBA, Align MSCS ’17

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